Everything About Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year in 2022

Just like the Gregorian calendar brings the start of the New Year for us on the 1st of January, the Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish New Year around the world.

The Jewish New Year is known as Rosh Hashanah. This feast is known in the Bible as Yom Teruah. It is also called the first of the Holy days that are observed by Jews around the globe.

When Does Rosh Hashanah Fall on the Gregorian Calendar?

Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the first of the seventh month that falls on the Hebrew calendar. This month falls in September or October. It starts the 10 day period of atonement, repentance, and penitence that leads up to the Day of Atonement that they call ‘Yom Kippur’. Both of these days are seen as the highest Holy Days in the Hebrew Calendar.

How is the Rosh Hashanah Celebrated?

More than being a time for celebration, Rosh Hashanah is observed solemnly and seen as the days that require prayer, repentance, and the performing of good deeds. Making amends is seen as one of the major factors during these days.

According to the Jewish law, the people believe that Rosh Hashanah is the day when God either condemns the dead or puts them in the category of good; hence the days are spent trying to escape eternal condemnation.

Know More About the Rosh Hashanah

Working on the Rosh Hashanah is prohibited. Most of the day, the Jews spend in the synagogue, worshiping, praying, and repenting for their sins. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur include the vital and symbolic blowing of the shofar. This shofar is a trumpet that is grafted from a ram’s horn. Jewish people are called to repentance and are reminded that God is their monarch by the antique instrument's wailing. Four sets of horn blowing are done on this day.

Many choose to wear good clothing on this day and enjoy traditional meals after they return from their synagogues and a day full of praying. And even the start of eating dinner is carried on with symbolism of well wishes through the lighting of two candles.


The Jewish community keenly observes their New Year annually and indulges and participates in activities that are required for this Holy Day. The eating of symbolic food dishes, the wearing of traditional garments, the blowing of the Shofar, and the consistent praying is what keeps the Holy Day alive and strong amongst the Jews to this day.



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